Tuesday, September 30, 2014



In a single sentence, declare who you are – your ethnic and regional background, your social class, your religion, or whatever is appropriate to you. For example, “I am a third-generation American of Irish-German heritage, raised Catholic in the middle-class suburbs of the Midwest.” Follow this sentence with an autobiographical paragraph or two, perhaps shifting back to the time you were born, or perhaps showing how your background influences your beliefs and actions today.

My name is Sean Brown; I am a black, middle class, catholic male from Baltimore Maryland. I was born in June 29th 1992 to Betty Whitehurst. I spent my formative years in catholic school. I learn to read and write a 5 years old. At 6 I read my first chapter book. From there on out I was incredibly interested in science. That changed around 8th grade When I discovered politics. That obsession faded around college when I discovered economics. It was the first time where I was learning about something that I didn't eventually tire of.

My first elementary school was a very small and religiously conservative. I never really fit in, I always felt like I was getting dumber and dumber every year. So in sixth grade I convinced my parents to let me transfer to a different school. Then from there it was boarding school and then college.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Associate an object or an action with someone in real life. Does someone you know have a cherished possession or a unique ritual? Describe it. Use that object or ritual to begin a character sketch about that person.

I like to associate my mother with an AK-47 mounted assault riffle. She mows down just about every thing in her path and with deadly precision. An AK-47 never jams, it will fire if filled with water, mud, or sand it is the worlds most reliable gun. My mother is also incredibly dependable. She is never late, always makes deadlines, and never breaks promises. She is the worlds most reliable mother. While my mother doesn't own an assault riffle, she owns a bullet necklace. It was given to her when my sister was over seas in Bosnia. It has become one of my mothers most prized possessions. It is a reminder of how much she almost lost.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Write about your vision of the afterlife, if you believe in one. If you don’t believe in one, write about what happens after we die or, if you prefer, write about your vision of what the afterlife should be.

I think that there is no Hell, or at least not in the way Christians characterize it. How could there be we already live in a world that is less than ideal and certainly not fair or just. How could life be any worse than it is now after we die. It seems unfair to banish someone to a place where there is poverty, war, and crime; then expect that person to be a saint. If they don't act according to a very strict set of rules they go to a place worse than they already live. I think that people die and at least go on to live a better life than the one they have now. I think the after life should be fair not equal but fair. Each person would have their needs and desires met. I don't really have an idea of what that would mean or how it would play out but it at least would be better than the world we live in now. A world free of poverty, crime, war and famine. A perfect world that is free from the ills our current world suffers from.
9/16/2014 (Please hyperlink)
Retell a myth or a fairy tale, changing what happens or exploring characters more deeply than in the original. For example, GRENDEL is the story of the monster in BEOWULF and WICKED is a story about the Wicked Witch of the West. Reverse the myth or tale and try to create an anti-hero.
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Red. She wore a  beautiful red trench coat. She didn't wear it everyday, because she loved it but because it rained everyday in Seattle. Red was delivering a special package to Gram. Gram was Red's boss and Grandmother, whom Red made weekly visits to. The packages Red delivered were very special and of a very sensitive nature. The packages were never delivered to the same spot or even country. You see Red and Gram were smugglers. The sold any and everything from stolen cars to cigarettes. This week Red was delivering weapons grade plutonium to a plant were it could be separated and shipped to various black markets. But Red wasn't alone. Hot on her trail was Special Agent Wolfe. He had been detailing and assembling a case against Gram and Red for the past 3 years. He thought to himself "Today is my day". Following her from the city through the woods and to Gram's place by the harbor. Gram and Red surprised by the tail load the plutonium and pull off in their getaway boat. They planned to load the materials on a plain stationed on a small island of the coast of Washington. Having lost them Wolfe decide to leave. Only to be greeted by ex-con and soon to be murderer, The Ax man. Before Wolfe could utter a syllable his head was rolling on the floor. You see Special Agent Wolfe's first arrest and sting was made with fake evidence. Karma is a bitch.  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

You’re very old. You’re on your deathbed. (Sorry.) Family and friends gather around you. What do you tell them about life? What advice about living do you offer them? Spill a few pearls of wisdom from your experience.  

It is always better to say sorry then ask for permission. With a few notable and obvious exceptions this rule applies to about everything. Enjoy life it is very short. One day you’ll wake up and be as old and dying as me. “Memento Mori” one day you’ll die. Remember this because time is very precious. It is more valuable than gold because once it is gone you can never get it back. Some of the best years of your life will be with your friends. You can always make up time with family. If it looks or sounds dangerous its probably fun. Get your hands dirty from time to time. Try as hard as you can to meet new people and try to enrich their life as they enrich yours.    

Monday, September 15, 2014

Steven Troup

Steven Troup was born in Pittsford New York. The town is located just outside of Rochester and is also home to Team USA’s Abby Wambach. Steven grew up playing sports but his favorite by far is lacrosse. It seemed like a natural role for Steven who grew up in an area so rich in lacrosse tradition. In fact New York is the birthplace of the sport and is home to some of the country’s best teams, high school and college. Steven describes the sport as the love of his life. He states that he has been a participant in the sport since he was in kindergarten.

Having played at Pittsford Mendon High School, which at the time was nationally ranked, decided he would bring his talents to Lycoming College. Stevens off the field exploits are numerous. He is a Corporate Communications major with a Criminal Justice minor. Steven served as a liaison for a nonprofit charity organization in Cincinnati. He plans to work in marketing, specifically retail science. Steven describes it as “Ensuring that firm’s products are properly displayed. This will increase the likelihood that customers will purchase or give attention to certain products”. He also at one point considered working for the FBI.

When Steven is not staying on top of his academics or staying in shape for lacrosse he enjoys videos games. Video games are one of Steven’s favorite pass times. He says that they help him relax and clear his mind. It is the only thing Steven enjoys almost as much as lacrosse and school work. His favorite types of games are sports games and first person shooters. Steven highly recommends Destiny or Madden 25. Steven also finds multiple physical activities enjoyable as well. In fact he spent his 21st birthday enjoying his other lifelong hobby, skiing. Skiing has been a passion of Stevens for quite some time. He has skied all over the country. These trips have ranged from Denver to Vermont and everywhere in between.

Rochester is also home to some of the east coast’s greatest restaurants. Steven describes one dish in particular that he misses the most, the world renowned Garbage Plate. For those unfamiliar with this culinary masterpiece allow me to explain. It is a well crafted amalgamation of macaroni salad, home fires, and two cheeseburgers and is garnished with a signature meat sauce. It has been featured in the Huffington Post, New York Times, and The Baltimore Sun. The dish has even received critical acclaim from famous chef Chantal Martineau of the Atlantic and Food Republic.com. Steven describes the dish as a cultural experience on par with Maryland Blue Crabs, Russian Beluga Caviar, and French Seared Fois Gras. The evidence is compelling and I must agree.

Steven Troup’s accomplishments are many. His peers are few. His accolades go unmatched. He is cultured, articulate and well read. Steven’s experiences have groomed him for a lifetime of success and good fortune. One day people will read my piece and be amazed that such a man comes from such humble beginnings.   


Thursday, September 11, 2014


Write about your hometown – where your family lives now. Write about what you like best – the landmarks, the best restaurants, the recreational activities.

I’m from a small town outside of Baltimore. It’s south of the city by about 20 minutes. I love the giant parks the most.These places rival most metropolitan area’s on weekends. They are filled with vendors, farmers, artists who are there to showcase their products. It is filled with people looking to shop, the laughter of children, and the bustling noise of adults walking through the park. The majority of my weekends are spent in the city though. Baltimore isn’t like any other city in this country. It is comprised of giant neighborhoods that  surround a small downtown area. It has a magnificent harbor and the worlds best aquarium. i

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Where were you on 9/11/2001? At the time, did you know what was happening in America? Write about your dominant memories of the events of that day.

I was in elementary school. Grove Park elementary to be exact. We were outside playing. All the teachers on break for student recess were crowding around the television. On teacher had exclaimed to another that had just walked in about an accidental plain crash. About minutes into the math portion of our class, teachers were claiming that school was being let out early and that we were going home. At the time I hadn't realized what was going on. Being a kid I was happy to be leaving school early. I didn't realize that a state of emergency had just been declared and that we were under attack. It was only years later that I would begin to appreciate the significance of that day. As a child I remember being confused and utterly unaware of what was happening. As and adult I am now able to understand the gravity of the situation that was unfolding in front of my young eyes.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Write about a picture you tore up. Who was it? How old were you? Why did you tear it up? Do you still feel the same way?

I have honestly never torn up a picture of anyone. I have deleted ones that I found less than flattering or deleted ones that documented me doing something less than legal. I honestly never understood the point behind tearing photos up as an emotional release. Maybe its because I’ve never been that hurt by anyone I cared about.  I try to choose the people I let into my life carefully. It would probably be more accurate to say that I have deleted people’s numbers from my phone. I feel like once I’ve had enough of someone I stop contacting them. This has really only happened once but it’s not something I care to talk about. I still feel the same way I did when I stopped talking to him. I guess you can say I know how to hold a grudge. To be honest I don’t hate that person. I can honestly understand why they did what they did. I can even empathize with them. That doesn’t mean I agree with their choice or even have to respect it. And I certainly don’t have to forgive them for it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

In Class Interviews

Dylan Barton
Williamsport Pa
Major: Corporate Communications
Minor: Philosophy

1)When you where in Elementary School were you a bully or the bullied?

Neither school was boring and did my work. Then I would go home and watch The A Team or History Channel
2) What Music are you listening to write now?
All kinds I generally avoid the mainstream. Some bands I've been listening to MGMT a lot as of recently.

3) Mac or Pc?

Its a question finances. I would love to buy Mac if I had the money. 

4) If you could live anywhere where would it be?

Some where tropical and warm... like Mexico minus the cartels

5) What languages do you speak?

I speak German, French, and Spanish poorly. I only speak English fluently.

6) What are your Hobbies?

Stealing music, Radio Show, and watching Soccer. Drinking.... its in the blood.

7) What do plan to do you with your major?

I honestly want to live like Don Draper. I want to do as little as possible and make as much as possible.

8) A word or expression that you hate?

Schematic or Smorgasbord.

9) Your mind is a work tool. How do you take care of it?

Short answer I don't. My mind is mush at this point 8 concussions. I actually just recently suffered a head injury.

10) How do you deal with telemarketers?

By screwing with them. I was recently banned from Cutlery Corner

11) In moments of tension what works to calm you?
Drink, smoke you know the usual

12) Who is the most influential person in your life?
Jeff Bridges the Big Lombowski. Being ordained priest of dudeism which allowed me to meet Woody Haralson.

Marissa Bayer
Freeland, Pa
Major: Theatre and Corp. Comm.

1) If you were a food what food what you be?


2) What are you plans after college?

Become a Disney World performer and/or try to break into entertainment industry in Hollywood.

3) What's your secret to happiness?

Surround your self with people who are happy and positive.

4) Most interesting experience as a theatre performer?

Having to improvise with my character mid-show in the Dragons Lair.

5) If there were a Lifetime original movie about you, who would star about you?

Natalie Portman

6) How does your corporate comm. help with theater?
It honestly helps with public speaking. My back up plan is to be a writer so it makes it seem like a natural pair.

7) Why do you like Disney so much?
Growing up I spent a lot of time ay Disney World growing up. Its honestly like a second home

8) Are you satisfied with your education so far?
Somewhat. I've had conflicts with the casting of certain roles. But you know c'est la vie

9) What's your favorite campus experience?

Planning an event for my sorority at the Old Corner

10) If you were stranded on a desert island what book would you take with you?

The Great Gatsby

Kelly Blasi
Dushore, Pa
Major: Business
Minor: Accounting

1) Which type of persons do you feel work best in a team?

I like people who are organized. I like to lead and need people who are great followers. I like people with untapped potential.

2) Why did you decide to take this class?

Last spring I switched majors and I needed to satisfy a requirement and this class filled it.

3) What are you not looking forward to?

Filing. It is the bane of my existence. Period

4) Your first car?

I had a 2001 Ford Focus. It was my dads and then it became mine.

5) Do aliens exists?

No. I don't believe in anything other than humanity

6) Bucket list?

7) Why did you change majors?

During finals week I realized I hated my life mostly accounting. In short accounting sucks

8) What is the most best placed you've traveled?

The Dominican Republic. The people are great. I had heard some much about the dangers. Honestly I felt more connected with the people down there than in my own neighborhood. The people living in the less developed areas made me feel more comfortable than the people in the city.

9) If you were going to conquer the world where would you start?

If the end of the world to end I would take over during the rebuilding process.

10) If you had a button that could kill a random person or a family member?

I would pick a random stranger.

Why did you choose Lycoming College and what were your other choices? What is your major and why did you choose it? What do you hope to accomplish with your degree once you graduate?

I chose lycoming college because it was a small college rather than a large university. It actually started with my grandfather telling me a story about his first year at Cornell. He had been granted admission to study engineering, but after a semester had decided he wanted to study biology. Unfortunately he was enrolled in the College of Engineering and needed to reapply to the College of Science and Letters.Because the university is a collection of colleges he needed to apply to a different college at the university. Even more unfortunately he was born before the internet. So the application took a week to submit. Sadly it didn’t take a week for the College of Sciences and Letters to say no. The day after his application was submitted he was denied. That was his parable to me when choosing where to go to school. Based on his experience I chose a small school .
My major is Economics. I chose it because I have always been curious as to why people chose to make the choices they do and Economics is a very behavioral science. Its a very interesting experience to watch factors that are  causally related effect people in their day to day life. I plan to work in financial service upon graduation before going back to get an M.S. in Economics and help oversee urban problem solving for the U.S. government and/or help write economic policy for developing countries in the third world.  

Explain your philosophy of life, your personal set of beliefs. This is not easy, but we all have beliefs and yet rarely do we think of them with cool objectivity. Write is as a short essay, a journal entry, or make a list of complete sentences.

My life philosophy is simple. Life is a game of opposing wills. Your ability to execute or impose your own is a summation of how successful you are in life. This has always been something that I have believed in and has been reinforced by my parents my coaches and teammates. Life also about enjoying the different experiences that it has to offer. Observing and participating in a range of different cultural activities. Life is full of experiences that people should not miss out on simply because they feel it is different from what they believe in or because they feel that it is somehow different or strange. You only live for so long you might as well experience it all.      

Write about a difficult time in your life during which your spiritual beliefs sustained you – or didn’t sustain you. Did that experience increase your devotion? Or, if you did not feel sustained, cause you to question your beliefs? Write about the long-term effects of this experience on your spiritual life.

    One of the most world changing experiences of my life was watching my grandfather die. If we’re being honest I never really cared for his company, but my mother loved him. He seemed like the type of person that the priests described as just and fair. In other words he should have lived a long prosperous life. Unfortunately that was not the case. He was forced from his home. He spent his last years living with his daughter, my mother. He had been stricken with cancer and spent the last decade of his life battling cancer and losing. It was honestly the first time I had ever seen a “good person” struggle. I was only child so I was still under the delusion that the universe punished those who were wrong and rewarded those who were just. Its hard having to see that truth dismantled in front of your very eyes through the destruction of someone you mother cared about. Such is life I suppose. Did this experience change my spiritual beliefs in the long term? How do I feel about the notions of fairness, justice and karma these days? I can’t really say that I honestly believe in karma or justice anymore. How can anyone honestly?