Thursday, November 20, 2014


Write about a recurring public gathering you attended in a place you visited. It should be a very pleasant memory, and could be a baseball game or street fair, an outdoor concert or historical reenactment. Put yourself there by freewriting or clustering, allowing your mind to wander back. Write about the people you saw, the smells in the air. You’ll be amazed by how much you remember once you begin writing about it.

Every year in Baltimore we have Art Scape. It is a giant music and arts festival. There are thousands of people that gather at MICA, Maryland's school of art. There are artists there to display there work. I remember every time that I have attended. There are attendees in colorful attire and musicians on every corner. The festival is so lively you can see it from the highway. I look forward to it every summer and cannot wait to be apart of it this summer.

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