Dylan Barton
Williamsport Pa
Major: Corporate Communications
Minor: Philosophy
1)When you where in Elementary School were you a bully or the bullied?
Neither school was boring and did my work. Then I would go home and watch The A Team or History Channel
2) What Music are you listening to write now?
All kinds I generally avoid the mainstream. Some bands I've been listening to MGMT a lot as of recently.
3) Mac or Pc?
Its a question finances. I would love to buy Mac if I had the money.
4) If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Some where tropical and warm... like Mexico minus the cartels
5) What languages do you speak?
I speak German, French, and Spanish poorly. I only speak English fluently.
6) What are your Hobbies?
Stealing music, Radio Show, and watching Soccer. Drinking.... its in the blood.
7) What do plan to do you with your major?
I honestly want to live like Don Draper. I want to do as little as possible and make as much as possible.
8) A word or expression that you hate?
Schematic or Smorgasbord.
9) Your mind is a work tool. How do you take care of it?
Short answer I don't. My mind is mush at this point 8 concussions. I actually just recently suffered a head injury.
10) How do you deal with telemarketers?
By screwing with them. I was recently banned from Cutlery Corner
11) In moments of tension what works to calm you?
Drink, smoke you know the usual
12) Who is the most influential person in your life?
Jeff Bridges the Big Lombowski. Being ordained priest of dudeism which allowed me to meet Woody Haralson.
Marissa Bayer
Freeland, Pa
Major: Theatre and Corp. Comm.
1) If you were a food what food what you be?
2) What are you plans after college?
Become a Disney World performer and/or try to break into entertainment industry in Hollywood.
3) What's your secret to happiness?
Surround your self with people who are happy and positive.
4) Most interesting experience as a theatre performer?
Having to improvise with my character mid-show in the Dragons Lair.
5) If there were a Lifetime original movie about you, who would star about you?
Natalie Portman
6) How does your corporate comm. help with theater?
It honestly helps with public speaking. My back up plan is to be a writer so it makes it seem like a natural pair.
7) Why do you like Disney so much?
Growing up I spent a lot of time ay Disney World growing up. Its honestly like a second home
8) Are you satisfied with your education so far?
Somewhat. I've had conflicts with the casting of certain roles. But you know c'est la vie
9) What's your favorite campus experience?
Planning an event for my sorority at the Old Corner
10) If you were stranded on a desert island what book would you take with you?
The Great Gatsby
Kelly Blasi
Dushore, Pa
Major: Business
Minor: Accounting
1) Which type of persons do you feel work best in a team?
I like people who are organized. I like to lead and need people who are great followers. I like people with untapped potential.
2) Why did you decide to take this class?
Last spring I switched majors and I needed to satisfy a requirement and this class filled it.
3) What are you not looking forward to?
Filing. It is the bane of my existence. Period
4) Your first car?
I had a 2001 Ford Focus. It was my dads and then it became mine.
5) Do aliens exists?
No. I don't believe in anything other than humanity
6) Bucket list?
7) Why did you change majors?
During finals week I realized I hated my life mostly accounting. In short accounting sucks
8) What is the most best placed you've traveled?
The Dominican Republic. The people are great. I had heard some much about the dangers. Honestly I felt more connected with the people down there than in my own neighborhood. The people living in the less developed areas made me feel more comfortable than the people in the city.
9) If you were going to conquer the world where would you start?
If the end of the world to end I would take over during the rebuilding process.
10) If you had a button that could kill a random person or a family member?
I would pick a random stranger.